Life in Australia, Uncategorised

The Urban Wildlife in Australia

Animals in the Australian cities

Australia might be full of deadly animals, but the truth is that you won’t really see any dangerous animals if you are staying in the more populated areas. The urban wildlife in Australia is very different from what is shown on the nature channels. I’ve seen a few harmless spiders and the occasional mouse running between bushes, but that’s pretty much it. It’s just the normal urban wildlife that can be found pretty much everywhere in the world.

Urban wildlife in australia

There’s one type of animal that I wasn’t prepared to see in the cities though: The Lizards. They are seriously everywhere. In the parks, flower beds or just casually sunbathing in the street in front of you. There’s geckos, goannas, legless lizards and skinks to just name a few. Some of them are only a few centimeters long and live on small insects. They look exactly the same as the baby lizard that we found in Fiji, just a little bigger. Others are well over 1 meter long, like the Goanna that lived on the roof of our campsite on Fraser Island. There’s so many varieties of lizards and similar reptiles in Australia. The urban lizards are either the small ones or similar as the lizard in the first photo. The bigger ones live outside the cities.

It was freaky at first. I didn’t know how aggressive/dangerous they are, nor could I read their behavior/body language. They are not dangerous, though. There are a few dangerous types of lizards, but they normally stay away from the cities. It doesn’t really matter though, because humans and lizards have learned to co-exist.

They are used to people and people are used to having them around. The urban wildlife is just a part of the city life. The city gives the lizards a relatively safe environment and plenty of food. They are still respectful of humans and not at all aggressive. I actually enjoy having them around now. They don’t do any harm and it’s kind of nice to share the city life with wild animals.



Jenn @ EngineerMommy

Beautiful pictures! I would love to visit Australia! Sounds like a fabulous vacation to me!


We have small lizards around my house, but nothing large. They don’t scare me because they are harmless, but I still keep my distance.

Megan Elford

Ugh, lizards creep me out! I guess I shouldn’t be afraid of them, but there’s just something about them … *shiver* … Still, a trip to Australia would still be nice 🙂


The baby lizard looks so cute! What an amazing experience to be able to see them!


We have some lizards in Arizona, but inches that are a meter long, would terrify me unless it’s behind a glass wall. It’s good to know they aren’t dangerous and I bet kinda neat to experience them.


You’re seriously so brave! I’m freaked out by almost all creatures. But i’m so jealous you were able to visit Australia and take these amazing pictures!

Carmen Perez (listen2mama)

Oh I really dislike lizards. Living in Miami, they are everywhere and are always trying to sneak into the house 🙁

Jaime Nicole

Used to love the geckos in Hawaii but I don’t think I would be up for much bigger than those. Still, it looks like a wonderful place to enjoy some adventure and good times!


My son has been fascinated by all the wild life in Australia. Your post will definitely impressed him. The lizzard…uhm yes I’m not much of a lizard person lol


I loved Australia and can’t wait to get back there one day. It’s a very long trip for me living in the United States so I have no idea when I will return. I know what you mean about the lizards as they are all over Florifa and there were some really big ones in Curacao, but they are scared of humans. Have a great time!


We’ve got the big iguana running around here. When they come out in droves it’s really something.

Wildish Jess

I swear there are more deadly animals there than people! lol I’ve always wanted to go visit though!


Ever since I saw Crocodile Dundee as a kid, I’ve wanted to visit Australia. The wildlife there looks awesome.

Miranda (Myrabev)

I can not wait to visit Australia one day, I am not big on lizards but we had a lot of them in Zambia as a kid so they do not bother me as much

Shannon Gurnee

I would love to visit Australia someday! I love the different animals they have there. Thanks for sharing this good post! 🙂

Gayatri Chopra

Thank you for introducing us to the wildlife of Australia. We find many posts describing about the beauty of the place but, a post like this which talks about the wildlife is rare to come across. The outstanding pictures are such that it will catch attention on a single glimpse.



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