
Meeting a wild Shark in Kuata Island, Fiji

Shark in Kuata Island, Fiji
Yes! We saw a wild shark in Kuata Island, Fiji when we were there in May. I just realized that I have totally forgotten to tell you guys about it, so here we go! Okay, the shark might not look that frightening in the photo, but it doesn’t matter. I was still very excited about our meeting. I love seeing exotic animals (exotic for a Swede) in their natural environment without any influence from humans.

This was back in May when we were island hopping in Fiji. Our last island was Kuata Island, which is a relatively small island so the first we did was to dump off our bags and started exploring the island. How else would we find all the best spots? We quickly discovered a really nice part with a tiny secluded beach area that were surrounded by large round rocks that had been worn down by the sea. Palm trees were hanging over the beach and there were no traces of any humans. It was perfect and looked just like a castaway island!

So.. The (Crazy) Brit of this relationship wanted an Instagram-worthy photo of him climbing one of the palm trees, so he picked the best-looking tree and started climbing. He climbed the palm tree like a pro for about.. 1 second before he was plummeting towards towards the rocks beneath. He got covered in shallow cuts and were bleeding from most of them. The fall could easily have resulted in a far more serious injury.

Sharks in Kuata Island

After the initial shock (and surprise that oh yes, you can fall out of a tree if you’re not holding on properly), we sat in the water to let the saltwater work its magic with the wounds. We sat there for a while until we had a visitor- A wild Blacktip Reef Shark (or so Wikipedia tells me)! We were just joking minutes before that the blood might attract a shark and it sure did! It was only a baby shark and I guess that it hoped to find a dying fish instead of us. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. We were not in any danger because of the size of the shark and because we were so close to the shore.

We just stood up and walked back to the beach. We gave it some space, but I was also pretty curious about the shark. I mean, how often do you meet a shark in the wild? The shark didn’t really seem to know what to make of the situation either, so instead we were just circling around each other for a while (as I quickly ran to grab the camera) before it eventually swam away.

Have you ever had an interesting/memorable wildlife encounter?



Sage @ Sage & Simple

What a sweet little shark! And Fiji? Color me jealous! I’ve still got a delayed honeymoon coming, so maybe I’ll get there yet!

I never have decent wildlife encounters, maybe because I live in the city and avoid the outdoors like the plague 😉 But I’m scared to death of bats and it seems that’s the only wildlife I ever come into contact with. Really, who (besides me) gets a bat inside their city apartment?

A Swede Abroad

Fiji would be a really nice honeymoon spot! As long as the two of you like the beach. Wow.. that’s really unlucky (and annoying!) There’s plenty of bats here in the Brisbane, but they normally stay outside.


You must have been so thrilled to see a baby shark. Who wouldn’t? It’s cute and you are right, you don’t often encounter a shark in the wild. My husband would be tempted to climb that palm tree, too if we were there to get a better view.


What a perfect picture of the little guy. Glad it only turned out to be a baby. How cool is it that you found a nice secluded spot though?! I never ran into any wildlife (thank goodness lol). I’m a chicken when it comes to that kind of stuff

A Swede Abroad

Thank you! The island was just amazing and having that secluded beach for ourselves was perfect.

Sue Lau

What a cute little shark! And I say that tongue in cheek as I sure would not want to take a dip with his mommy or daddy. When I lived in Florida we would see small sharks in the surf all the time- not that uncommon down there. It must have been a lot of fun for you. Fiji sounds nice!

A Swede Abroad

Haha, yeah that’s EXACTLY what we thought as well. Were there any scary sharks in Florida or mainly just small cute ones?


My most interesting wildlife animal encounter was in Alaska. I got to see seals hunting and catch salmon. It was the coolest thing ever!


Fiji has always been on my wish list to visit. It is so beautiful. I would have been so nervous seeing a shark! I am so scared of them even in aquariums. My kids on the other hand would have been over the moon excited to see one in the wild.

A Swede Abroad

The islands in Fiji is pure heaven! We would have been just as scared as well if it were a bigger shark. Haha, it’s funny how fearless kids can be.

Castaway with Crystal

Aww it’s so cute! I have had so many awesome nature encounters. I hand fed a kookaburra on Magnetic Island! Another time I made friends and played with a cone shell snail, letting it crawl on my leg, etc until someone saw and told me it was absolutely deadly! But it was so cute! How? Apparently if it stings you, your body becomes paralysed and shuts down and you must be put on life support and maybe you’ll live, or maybe you’ll die (as there’s not anti venom). Anyway my new friend didn’t sting me so all was well 😀

Cindy (Vegetarian Mamma)

Wow, that picture is amazing. I can’t even imagine how thrilling and exciting and maybe even nerve wracking it must be to have seen a shark so close! I’ve never seen one so close, I think I might be scared. The water is beautiful and so clear!


This is just simply beautiful. I love how clear the water is and that you can see the sand down at the bottom. I am not sure how I would react to having a baby shark swim close to me like that but you took a wonderful picture.

Chrystal | YUM eating

I have never been to Kuata Island, Fiji. I would love to go to Fiji someday. I can’t believe you saw a shark. That is a little scary, but also really cool all at the same time. What a wonderful thing to add to your travel adventures list.


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