I’m really sorry that my updates are quite short at the moment, but I’m just busy with life. I have loads of good posts planned in my head, but I just need to find the time to write it all.
Tonight is going to be our last night in Brisbane for awhile. We’re taking the train to Bundaberg tomorrow to hopefully find farm jobs for our second year visa. The stress is starting to affect us and we are both a little grumpy at the moment. We have booked the train, but haven’t booked a room for the night. Most working hostels in the area seem to only accept new room reservations in person, so we’re hoping for the best. I’m going to leave my dear baby (my DSLR camera) and laptop at a friend’s place in Brisbane for safekeeping. The working hostels don’t seem very safe in the area, so it would be nice to not need to worry about all my valuables as well. I’m still bringing my other two cameras and V has his crappy laptop so we would still have some contact with the outside world.
I’m really not looking forward the next 3 months to be honest. We need it to get our second visa and I’ll do my best to enjoy it, but I have a feeling that it won’t be my thing.