
Brisbane Must Do: View from the Mt.Coot-Tha lookout

Best view over Brisbane
Who else is addicted to a good view? I sure know that I am and it’s a must whenever I visit a new place! The Mt. Coot-Tha lookout is suppose to be one of the best views of Brisbane and I’ve been dying to check it out.

The Mt. Coot-Tha is more like a hill than a mountain, but who cares with a view like that? And the second best part (after the view, of course) is that you don’t even need to walk to get to the lookout so there’s no effort at all. Unless you get off at the Botanic Gardens and misses the next bus.. Hrm.. it could happen.. just saying. All you need otherwise, is either a car or to jump on the direct bus from the Brisbane city center. Super easy!

View Brisbane
The mountain is relatively far away to get an optimal view of the city. I know that some of you view-snobs out there are used to something a little more spectacular, but this is as good as it gets and it’s still nice. Brisbane is a pretty small city as you can see and the city center is obviously all of the tall buildings in the middle.

Brisbane viewIt was plenty of other people waiting around for the sunset, but it was not very crowded. There’s also a restaurant and a cafe on the Mt. Coot-Tha lookout.



Jakob Gibbons

Charming views indeed, even for those view snobs! It’s really nice to have an urban setting like this with nice nature areas around it, sort of the best of both worlds.

Is this a typical tourist stop or is it mostly frequented by the Aussie locals?

melody pittman

Nice. My kids were always fighting to be the first one to have the best view when we went somewhere new. 😉 Always a good idea to keep coins handy.


It’s great that you can get a bus there; too often there’s no public transport to get to things like that. And a good view too.

Anna and Thiago

Wow! We are huge fans of views and landscapes!

And that one is for sure a great point! We loved the fact that you can reach there by bus too!!


You know I live in Australia. I grew up not far from Brisbane and have been there so many times I wouldn’t be able to count… Still never been up Mt Cootha.. I really need to get on that!



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